Having a good hosting service , you know, can make a difference. In fact, if our site is fast, it immediately provides the answers the customer is looking for, most likely the customer will remain on our site. So we can actually say that hosting can affect conversions.
It’s not just about hosting of course. The path is however more complex, because it also involves other factors, such as the usability of the site or even its structure, its graphics. In short, all this influences what is defined as Conversion Rate Optimization , or more simply CRO. This parameter does nothing but define the conversion rate optimization of your website. Especially if we are talking about Ecommerce, this fact becomes fundamental, because it can make the difference between a sale and not.
So you understand that it becomes very important to be able to provide our users with a site that is effective and above all responds quickly to the stimuli of those who surf it. So let’s see in this article how secure, fast and reliable hosting can really make a difference!
Secure hosting
The security of your data and those of customers is a fundamental and indisputable aspect, especially when it comes to online sales. We must be able to guarantee full safety to those who browse our store. Good hosting also means secure hosting. The primary parameter is definitely an SSL Certificate. This in fact allows you not to have that annoying message that says “site not safe”.
It is clear that especially if we are making an online purchase, if we run into a site with the word “not safe”, we would probably desist from the purchase. Who wants to buy on a site that is not deemed safe? So keep this particularly important element in mind.
Effective hosting
Have you ever understood that in a moment of very high traffic on your Ecommerce, perhaps during the periods corresponding to holidays or sales, your site crashes and becomes unreachable? Do you know how many sales you can lose? But above all, think about reputation too! A site, in particular E-Commerce, must never find itself in a similar situation, because it can lead the user to no longer have faith in the seller.
Assuming that with a good hosting, consciously chosen according to the traffic needs of the site, these events are rare, but these can happen. So when you choose your hosting, make sure that the provider has an excellent support service and that they can intervene immediately where problems of this type arise.
Fast hosting
As I mentioned a few lines ago, a site, especially if Ecommerce, must know how to respond quickly to user requests . This means that if a user clicks on a page, it must load quickly, otherwise the user leaves. Not to mention that from May 2021, the issue of speed becomes an important parameter for Google. If you want to know more read our article on the Google Core Web Vitals .
Basically, a fast site definitely converts more! If the site is slow, people go somewhere else. Not to mention that in addition to Google, as I told you before, SEO also rewards fast sites. So don’t underestimate this last aspect if you want a site that truly converts.
Basically having a fast site is just the tip of the iceberg to increase conversions and therefore sales. But without a site with good performance from this point of view, we certainly cannot be competitive. For this we recommend that you buy a hosting that reflects your traffic needs, that we have good assistance and that allows you to have full security.
If you are looking for a hosting with all these features, contact us and we will find the right solution for you!
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